Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Is your mailbox getting over run by these?
 Christmas cards are a great way to get updates from family and friends! The can also be a great waste of paper...
Many years ago, our mom decided to collect the cards she received and came up with a brilliant way to "upcycle" them!
We have many childhood memories reading this old ratty book under the sparkleing lights of the tree.

After 25+ years of owning this glorious "upcyled" treasure, it was time to start collecting cards again to make 3 replicas for each of us to one day "inherit".
We decided to pass the poems for each letter of the alphabet to you in hopes that you will adopt this tradition and share the "ABC's of Christmas" with a child in your life...

*feel free to copy the poems, and put together a little scrapbook of your own together with your collected cards this holiday season.*

a-is for…Angels- with halo’s so bright, their carols were heard on that first Christmas night
b-is for…Baby- the Christ child so dear, we celebrate Christmas, His birthday each year
c-is for…Candles- that so brightly shine, to give a warm welcome, to your friends and mine
d-is for…Doorways- with garlands of green, to make Christmas merry as far as they’re seen
e-is for…Evergreens- garlands galore, we hang at our windows, fireplace and door
f-is for…Fun- the whole season long, from cutting the tree, to singing a song
g-is for…Greetings- a merry hello, with a heart full of love, for the people we know
h-is for…Holly- with berries so red, to make into wreaths to hang over head
i-is for…Ice- on the snow covered hills, where skating is fun along with the spills
j-is for…Jingle bells- merrily ringing, telling the world of the joy they are bringing
k-is for…Kris Kringle- old Santa himself, have you ever seen a jollier elf
l-is for lantern, I'm sure that its light, helped Mary and Joseph that first Christmas night.
m-is for…Mary- her heart full of love, for her little son Jesus who came from above
n-is for…Noel- the angels did sing, to herald the birth of Jesus our king
o-is for…Ornament- so shiny and bright, with lights on the tree they sparkle at night
p-is for packages found under the tree. I'm hoping that there's at least one for me
q-is for…Quiet- Christmas eve night, with the stars in the sky, shining so bright
r-is for…Rudolf- his nose shining so bright, helping santa to make his way thru the night
s-is for…Shepherd’s- who first saw the star, over Bethlehem’s manger and followed it far
t-is for Tree, we'll place high the star. We'll find them in homes both nearby and far.
u-is for…Universe- may peace be on earth, at Christmas we celebrate our dear saviors birth
v-is for…Vixen- a lively reindeer, he helps Santa deliver the toys each year
w-is for…Wise men- who came from afar, they found the baby Jesus by following a star
x-is for…X-mas a short way to spell, that special day we all love so well
y-is for…Yule logs- who’s bright sparks fly high, and give a warm welcome to those friends passing by
z-is for…Zzzz- Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night
We printed the poem (one letter per page) on 81/2 x 11"  paper, picked cards that went along with the poems, glued the pictures on and added alphabet stickers to their proper pages. We chose to put them in page protectors inside 3 ring binders, but laminating the pages and getting them spiral bound would also be great.

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